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I directly engage the theory and practice of ecological relationship, systems of knowledge and magic, and mythologies that help us grapple with the vastness of nature in all its chaos and uncertainty. I write subjectively and objectively in terms of Gaia theory, reverence for the non-deified, yet quite holy, state of our planet and our life on Her.

I investigate nature/culture dualism, and face my own hopes and skepticisms through layered, lyrical symbolism and totemic contemplation. My work depends upon observation and response to organic textures, rhythms of life, and the combined meaningfulness and complete lack of meaning on display in each beat of an insect wing, each bloom and wilt of crabapple flowers. Moments, as well as millennia.

My strategies are grounded in both visual art and artful writing, privileging neither over the other— the literary, the aesthetic and the sensory are crucial alchemical partners in the development of my poems and lyrical essays, both visual and literary.

My “Gaia Illuminations” reflect a deeply felt awe for our earth, sky, moon and stars. My work is in direct conversation with contemporary writers such as James Lovelock, Bruno Latour, Donna Haraway, Derrick Jensen and Robin Wall Kimmerer, as well as nature writers and poets who came before, including Thoreau, Mary Oliver and Rachel Carson.


Artist • Writer • Calligrapher • Spiritual Ecologist

New England & Philadelphia

Candace Jensen
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